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The Constantine Rea Historical Society


The 46th Mississippi Infantry Regiment:  A Regimental History


46th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry

CPT Con Rea's Vicksburg Parole




I, Con Rea , a Captain  of Co F, 46th Reg't of Mississippi
Vols. C. S. A., being a prisoner of War, in the hands of the United States Forces, in virtue
of the capitulation of the City of Vicksburg and its Garrison, by Lient. Gen. John C. Pem-
berton, C. S. A., Commanding, on the 4th day of July 1863, do in pursuance of the terms
of said capitulation, give this my solemn parole under oath --
     That I will not take up arms again against the United States, nor serve in any military
police or constabulary force in any Fort, garrison or field work, held by the Confederate
States of America, against the United States of America, nor as guard of prisoners, depot or
stores, nor discharge any duties usually performed by Officers or soldiers against the United
States of America, until duly exchanged by the proper authorities.

(signature) Con Rea, Capt., Co. F
46th Regt. Miss. Vols. 

Sworn to and subscribed before me at Vicksburg, Miss., this 10th day of July, 1863.

(signed) Sam Roper, 56th Reg't Ills Inft Vols
Captain and Paroling Officer


Above is the text of the Parole of CPT Con Rea, signed 10 July 1863 at Vicksburg, Mississippi.  The actual parole document is shown below.

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This article was developed with the research assistance of Mr. Ward Calhoun and The Constantine Rea Historical Society.  Much on Mr. Calhoun's own research and his publications as well as information provided by the Society have gone into this page.  To purchase Mr. Calhoun's publications, please contact the Lauderdale County Department of Archives and History for a list of his works.  Their website can be found at the following link:

The Lauderdale County Department of Archives and History

Content Copyright 2008 W.L.White and The Constantine Rea Historical Society.


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Page Last Updated:   Sunday, 23 April 2017

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